Student Shopping Tips
Look for produce that is in season, if you are not sure ask someone in the produce department. Farmers markets are often more affordable...
Asian Fusion Lemongrass Ginger Broth with Shrimp, Kelp Noodles and Cilantro
32 oz chicken or vegetable stock 12 oz kelp noodles well rinsed 1 chili pepper slit down one side or ¼ teaspoon dried chili 2 tablespoons...
Delicious Gluten Free Chicken Tacos
1 teaspoon organic taco mix 1 teaspoon chicken rub 1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 lb chicken breast Taco shells ½ cup plain yogurt 1 avocado...
Lemongrass Kelp Noodles with Shrimp and Summer Vegetables
​ 1 ½ lbs shrimp cooked, peeled and deveined (frozen section) 1 packet kelp noodles (Sea Tangle) 1 yellow pepper chopped ½ cup baby...
Chickpea Salad with Zucchini Noodles, Sun Dried Tomatoes and Lemongrass Avocado Dressing
1 avocado ¼ cup plain yogurt 1 tablespoon veganaise 2 tablespoons lemongrass paste 1 ½ tablespoons apple cider vinegar 1 teaspoon basil...